The Florencia 13

The Florencia 13 (TF13) is a gathering of Mexican people in the Fort Carson area, The Florencia 13 (TF13) appeared in 1990 led by Orlando Espina in that year, they did their usual activities in the area, such as doing criminal things like brawling, playing weapons with inter-gang and others, At that time The Florencia 13 (TF13) had five members in the gang because the gang was still new, a few years later, there was an incident that made The Florencia almost died, when in 2000 Orlando Espina died because he was shot by his enemy, his member Daniel Morata was confused to take care of The Florencia 13 (TF13), Daniel Morata decided to take a break for a few years, because he was still confused to continue his gang.


In 2003, Daniel Morata invited other members to revive The Florencia, previously they often hung out in the central Fort Carson area but there were other associations that used the place so they moved to another part of Fort Carson, The Florencia (TF13) was still 4 people, Daniel Morata and his members also had a goal to enliven The Florencia (TF13), by the way they always stood in the area and also invited local people there to talk, they did that until now.

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