Staff Complaint against Emilia

so i was dealing some shit meth with some guys then they started punching me and one guy pulled out a knife i started using my bat against them but ran away due to no way to win a knifed guy. seconds after it my boys came (jay jordan and russel simmons) they started defending me then i came from the back starting to punch them then suddenly emilia came and shot me till the death. i got killed then pete garland came and told him icly how the killer was etc… after that i /giveup then got to the hospital. after that pete tped me saying “Continue roleplay” then i started talking to him complaining about emilia dming me then he said “Post complaint” but i didn’t have a screen shot or something , after that all we continued roleplay and i /kill to continue the roleplay we doing then emilia i don’t know how she was thinking but she jailed me for “Refusing to rp injuries.” not even a full reason to get me jailed and not a reason.

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I’ve reviewed your report, talked to the reported staff-member and checked your logs. There will be no actions taken against the staff-member as nothing has been done wrong from their side. You clearly failed to roleplay injuries and wanted to void it as soon as possible.

Your punishment will not be reverted.

Kind regards,