Matthew_Campos (menace);

  1. Reason why you got banned;
    Subpar Standards…
  2. The date that you got banned;
    today 4:42 pm est
  3. The staff member that got you banned;
  4. Reason why you should be unbanned;
    I was given no time to roleplay my injuries once my car flipped, I do agree i shouldve roleplayed my injuries a bit more a couple minutes before my ban but I was set to 0 HP By George then met with a ban before I could even roleplay my injuries. Its funny about this when SD officers have done almost the same as us but havent roleplayed their injuries and havent been punished… Considering I roleplayed my injuries every other time we’ve been in a pursuit, I believe I shouldnt be banned.
    Alongside this, Instead of banning me, and setting my HP to 0 George sincerly couldve froze me and told me to roleplay my injuries.

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