Jervonte_Greene (isma592)

Firstname_Lastname (master account); Jervonte_Greene (isma592)

Reason why you got banned; subpar rp

The date that you got banned; 26 december 2023

The staff member that got you banned; George McGrath

Reason why you should be unbanned; I believe my roleplay demonstrates a high level of engagement with the overarching narrative, as my character actively participates in key events and meaningfully interacts with other players. The consistent development of my character is evident through their evolving story arc, taking into account past experiences. I ensure that my character’s actions align cohesively with their personality and the established lore of the game world. My positive social interactions with fellow players contribute to a dynamic and enjoyable gaming experience. Creativity is woven into my roleplay, with unique story elements enhancing the overall narrative. I have received positive feedback from both players and staff, underscoring the value and quality of my roleplay. Furthermore, I have diligently adhered to the server rules, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining a positive and respectful gaming environment. I kindly request a reconsideration of the ban based on the merits of my roleplay contributions to the community.

My background: Jervonte Greene/African American
Jervonte Greene, a young African American, comes from a modest rural town near San Fierro in the Las Venturas region. Growing up in a community facing economic challenges, Jervonte learned resilience and resourcefulness at an early age. Despite the financial struggles, the town’s simplicity and the natural beauty of the countryside shaped Jervonte’s character.

Jervonte found solace in fishing, spending countless hours by the local creek. The peaceful moments by the water became an escape from the hardships of everyday life. His love for fishing wasn’t just a hobby; it became a way to sustain himself and his family. Jervonte, known for his patience and skill, often shared his catch with neighbors, fostering a sense of unity in the tight-knit community.

In the pursuit of a brighter future, Jervonte dreams of turning his passion for fishing into an opportunity. The allure of San Fierro, not far from his hometown, represents a beacon of hope and a chance for new beginnings. Jervonte carries the weight of his community’s struggles on his shoulders, aiming to break free from the cycle of poverty through determination, hard work, and the tranquility he finds in the art of fishing.

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