Jason_Vu (menace);

  1. Reason why you got banned; aimbot

  2. The date that you got banned; today

  3. The staff member that got you banned; micheal roberts

  4. Reason why you should be unbanned; i have a small ammount of clips that prove i wasnt aimbotting and that sd/pd is just a bunch of crybaby losers, I was clipping with GYAZO so excuse me if the clips are short cause i couldnt really control that and theres a delay between clips
    ( 2k hours on samp LMAO. super aimbot!)

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Post the clips, you have 24h.

Hello @menace2sx,

We regret to inform you that your appeal has been denied. After a careful review of the provided proof you have sent us, the 2 GIFs submitted to be percise, we found them to be inconclusive and therefore rendering them ineffective in supporting your case. Consequently, the ban for (Usage of Third-Party Programs)-(Aimbot) will remain as is.

We appreciate your participation on our server and for your time spent with us. While we understand this decision may be disappointing, we wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Best Regards,
The Administration Team