Ichida's ban appeal (Sensei)

  1. Title must be: Firstname_Lastname (master account); i dont remember the name.

  2. Reason why you got banned;Trollish behaviour, not here to roleplay just having fun around and pging.

  3. The date that you got banned; I dont remember

  4. The staff member that got you banned; Ryan or some one else

  5. Reason why you should be unbanned; I Admit doing all this things and having so many chances by the admins but man, i swear bro just give me my last chance man i swear i stopped the non rp shit, i will roleplay accordingly man.
    Just give me the last chance even though i did have many, comon heats.

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Denied, you are, and will remain community banned with no chance to appeal.

Kind regards,

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