Ichida’s Ban Appeal

Reason why you got banned: Power gaming and been gave all the chances to take but missed :/

The date that you got banned: 24/11/2023

The staff member that got you banned: Ryan.

Reason why you should be unbanned: I know that you all admins gave me different chances to improve my skills in roleplaying to make others gameplay better and also better for me but i swear on god i read all the rules and practiced my roleplay and i swear if i did any other wrong thing ban me permentantly , pls i just wanna play in this server and i improved my roleplaying skills please :( just give me my last chance and i’ll prove myself pls man heats :frowning:

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You are not welcome back in the server due to the chances that you were given and yet you maintained portraying your trollish behavior, rulebreaking, and toxicity.

Kind regards,