Garden-Side 23 華青

Out-of-Character Information (OOC INFO):

Welcome to the Garden-Side Wah Ching (Garden-Side 23 華青) faction! We aim to portray an entirely fictional, but realistic group of Asian-American organized criminals, street gangs, and crews operating in the Gardenside of Fort Carson. Our focus is on accurate character and group development, and recruits should not expect to progress without meeting sufficient time and portrayal requirements. Our goal is to provide plenty of variety in our roleplay and a healthy mix of diversity in characters and encounters, and highly encourage people to fully develop their characters.

Aspiring members should be Asian American teenagers in their mid to late teens (14-17) with accurate low-income portayal. Exceptions should contact a member of the leadership on our Discord. We do not accept strictly legal or first-generation (immigrant) characters into the faction, though our community is open to anyone roleplaying locally. To maintain standards, recruitment will be done IC after we’ve had time to evaluate your roleplay.


reserved 2

we got this, yeurrrr

best of luck :smiling_imp: :metal:

appreciate it bro

fire, good luck

Wah Ching.

keep it up

Good shit, keep it coming.

No mareros around to be on your ten toes for anymore.

Where’s the screens homi?!?!