Frequently Asked Questions

:question: Where do I find cars?
↳ There is a rental next to one of the dealerships that is located in Fort Carson, you can step in one of the vehicles of your choice and rent it.

:question: Where do I find jobs?
↳ In order to quickly scout for jobs you have to buy a GPS from the nearest convenience store. Then you can use the GPS to find the job you desire.

:question: Can I start a faction?
↳ Depends, our community only supports ‘official’ factions, meaning you must pitch your idea to faction management beforehand. The faction management will decide whether to implement it or not.

:question: How do I satisfy my hunger and thirst?
↳ There are many food chains where you can hydrate and eat. You can also buy frozen food which can be cooked in your house or you can buy drinks from convenience stores.

:question: How do I request help in-game?
↳ You are able to request help from a staff member with the command ‘/assistance’.

:question:How do I report a player that is breaking rules or cheating?
↳ You can use the ‘/report’ feature in-game or if the player leaves, you may write a report on Discord.

:question: Where can I get my licenses?
↳ There is a DMV in the middle of Fort Carson, right next to the main street. You are able to get all your vehicle licenses there!

:question: Guns? How do I get them?
↳ Guns are only supplied by factions that are doing that sort of business, so for example, local street gangs will have to work with those factions in order to get armed.

:question: How do I join factions?
↳ Every faction has its own leadership, let that be a legal faction or an illegal one. You’ll have to approach the leaders in character or apply through their Discord if that’s a possibility.

:question: How do I become staff?
↳ To become staff you need to stand out. Our staff is handpicked and works closely together in order to push our community further. So make sure you stand out and contribute to the server.

:question: Where do I find the server rules?
↳ You can find the simplified rules in-game, but to make sure you have all the knowledge about our rules, you’ll have to go through our Discord!