CC:RP Guide - Weed


Welcome to the guide of illegal growing in our tiny little Fort Carson! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow your own weed and become a hustler in these streets:

Step One. Acquiring Seeds
To kickstart your journey into the world of weed growing, you’ll need to obtain seeds. There are a few ways to do this:
Strawman Scheme: Participate in the Strawman scheme to acquire seeds through alternative means.
In-Character Transactions: Alternatively, you can seek out individuals who sell seeds through in-character interactions.
And obviously, join an Illegal Faction: Become a member of an illegal faction within the server to gain access to seeds.
To start growing, you’ll need atleast ten seeds at first. The reason is that you’re not gonna plant only one plant, but a whole grow.

Step Two. Choosing a Location:
Remember, we RP in a desert environment where traditional growing might not be possible. Avoid growing in the desert itself and opt for locations with more suitable climates, such as hillsides or forested areas.

Step Three. Planting:
Once you’ve secured a suitable location and gathered at least ten seeds, it’s time to start planting.
Use the command /plant weed to initiate the planting process. A grow will then be spawned in your chosen location.

Step Quattro Wait n’ Harvest:
Patience is key! Wait for approximately 20 minutes for your weed to grow to maturity.
After the waiting period, use the command /harvest to collect your product. You should roleplay cropping the plant, and obviously share your development with others. You’ll receive around forty grams of weed per harvest.

In an effort to maintain a balanced server economy, we’re implementing measures to limit the distribution of large amounts of seeds and other contraband.