Caleb Fludd - shawky against Vassilli Mikhaylov - Kriskata

What happend?:
So, basically our faction and Vas’s faction were skirmishing, which gradually led to a shootout as well which they all died in.
But before we get to the main idea, let me say what exactly happened.

Vassilli called me and my member’s, he wanted Omar Anderson, which is one of high rag’s, for a problem he had with Vas, we went their bar strapped and it was turned to a heated meeting, nothing happened then.

Five minute’s later, we were just driving around while Jay Jordan, one of my member’s, get’s a call from Holly Schofield to get to the Ten Green Bottles alone, Holly isn’t Jay’s friend nor someone she hangs out with a lot, so we felt suspicious about it, which the other side thought we PG’ed it, anyways we planned for it since we told Jay to keep a call connected between us and keep the phone hidden, he goes in and get’s shot by the Russian’s, we heard the gunshots through the phone so we went in and killed them all.

a moderator named Jayquan aka therealone witnessed the whole shootout, he was on our side.

One day later, they hop in just like nothing happened - without any new conflicts and go to Caleb’s house and burn it down + steal a gun and a few grams of Meth.

I understand losing might get you pretty mad, but at least if you wanna revenge? Revenge without breaking the rules buddy.
Not to mention the attitude as well.

Have you reached out to a staff member in-game when it happend?: No.

Which rules where broken?: PG - MG - Refusing a PK.

Evidence: (The shootout can be shown at 0:58, where they all died)
literally before we went to the scene, it can be seen that we didnt MG knowing that the russians are inside.
Minion SS of Vas and Zakh, burning down Caleb’s house right after their death.
Minion Vas admitting that he stole the stuff.

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Hello @shawky,

First and foremost I would like to ask you to fix the resolution of the second video you posted, so I can investigate the whole shootout situation. There were some reports from that incident as well.

Regarding the player report involving Kriskata, we have decided that a warning will be issued for the violation of the ((Player Kill Rule → Conflict Player Kill)). However, this may extend to a temporary ban depending on Kriskata’s punishment history.

Best Regards,
Senior Administration Team