Ban Appeals

Firstname_Lastname; Flokart_Dosti

Reason why you got banned; not here to roleplay constant provoking

The date that you got banned; 24/12/23

The staff member that got you banned; Bily

Reason why you should be unbanned I’m a beginner player and I didn’t know the rules of the game but now I looked at the rules and learned please give me one chance

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Hello @Shensdedashseveci321,

We regret to inform you that we have come to the decision of not accepting your ban appeal. We highly recommend exploring light roleplay servers before advancing to a more immersive level. While we acknowledge that your roleplay knowledge may not be as extensive as required, we would still like to thank you for your participation in our server. We sincerely wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Best Regards,
The Administration Team